Last night we had the great privilage of having our friends from Gospel For Asia come and talk to us about the work that GFA is doing. I don't know if you are like me, but every time I get to hear missionaries speak, my yearning to be active in mission work grows stronger. The work that GFA does is incredible, if you are not familiar with them check them out on their web-site.

GFA works in the 10/40 window, reaching out to those who are in the lowest class. These people literally live in cardboard huts. And are viewed by the higher classes as dogs. They tell you more about this here.... http://www.gfa.org/about/reaching-the-most-unreached/ . These people have never been told that they are important, or that anyone cares for them. And GFA is now there to tell them that they are important and that so many of us here in the U.S. care for them. But not only that but that God loves them too.

Thousands of people are being saved in the 10/40 window because of the ministry of GFA and Gods amazing grace to his people. Check out there web-site. Give a donation, sponsor a child, Give a gift to a needy family, Spread the news of this wonderful ministry!!!

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