Officially my favorite place in the house is our barista machine.

It is very nice to get up in the morning, make a coffee, and sit down to read the news. I know it sounds like such a small thing to enjoy. But it combines two of my favorite things. Coffee is the key to getting me in a good mood.
Coffee starts me in the morning and keeps me going late at night when I am swamped with school, speech and debate.
And after I have had my coffee I enjoy spending time writing. But I am one of those weird people that sits there and writes on paper with a pen. =) For me it is so soothing to contemplate thoughts of importance to me. Most people wouldn't want to read what I have written, but I love it and it is like therapy for me.

A blissful day for me would be spent with coffee, writing, and reading up on news and important issues.
What is your blissful day?
Taking pictures, making people happy, a long walk in the autumn weather, and to end an already great day, a good movie. :)