Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Many of you have read this before, but I wanted to post it on here for you all that haven't read it. I wrote this back in April...Enjoy.

Today I was sitting at Starbucks enjoying a cup of tea and a good book. And as I sat there I, not meaning to, over heard some older women talking about their friends and this and that about their lives. I was thinking about their conversation. And I was mainly contemplating the fact that they were gossiping about their friends. But then it hit me that I was doing the exact same thing they were doing. I was thinking about them in the same way as they were talking about their friends. And thought further on how we so often think we are being innocent but instead we are judging people and we are not being graceful and kind.

I have realized how much we really do look down on others, but worse is when we look in awe of others and think that we are very insignificant compared to them. So many times we put them on pedestals that they don’t belong on. We place them too high. Did you know that the easiest way for this to happen is with gossip? So many times I find myself caught up with who is doing what and what is going on in everyone’s life. And that is not all bad; it becomes bad when all you do with your friends is talk about that. I have finally realized how it is really more important to be there for those people that need you and not there to spread gossip about them. My goal is to give hugs where they are needed. And to love those around me.

The time is now, the place is here, the change is yours to make...Change the world!

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